I would go with B, I do not for sure know the answer but that is the one that seems to make the most sense
Венера (/ ˈviːnəs /, классическая латынь: / ˈwɛnʊs /; родительный падеж Veneris / ˈwɛnɛrɪs /) [a] - римская богиня, в функции которой входили любовь, красота, желание, секс, плодородие, процветание и победа. В римской мифологии она была предком римлян через своего сына Энея, который пережил падение Трои и бежал в Италию. Юлий Цезарь объявил ее своим предком. Венера была центральным элементом многих религиозных праздников и почиталась в римской религии под многочисленными культовыми титулами.
It is B! Purpose means why
Well, It may not seem that the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, which happened over a century ago in New York City, would be relevant today — but actually, it is.
It was a tragedy that opened the nation's eyes to poor working conditions in garment factories and other workplaces, and set in motion a historic era of labor reforms.
It’s something that opens our eyes today and jobs are something that is taken seriously, so this story is living on.
I Hope my reply completely answers your question! Please let me know if you need further explanation.