Hello there!
Essentially, a control variable is what is kept the same throughout the experiment, and it is not of primary concern in the experimental outcome. Any change in a control variable in an experiment would invalidate the correlation of dependent variables (DV) to the independent variable (IV), thus skewing the results.
Squids = 450 - 490 nm (Moderate Frequency) (Blue)
Bees = 300 - 650 nm (Lower Frequency Bands)
Frogs = 280 - 580 nm (Very Low Frequency)
All of the above mentioned ranges are compared to that of humans.
I'm just surprised a little bit in the imagination that how these organisms see the world through their unique eyes. On the other hands, they are evolved like this just like we do so that may not be surprising enough. SIKE
I think number 1 is incorrect I believe that answer is D. Number 6 I believe would be B. The rest seem to be correct.
the correct answer is C
When we express that the scale is 1:30 we mean that the objects of the realization are reduced by a factor of 30 in the graph, for example a distance of 30 cm in the graph is represented by a distance of 1 cm.
Therefore something that in the graph has n value to bring it to real size must be multiplied by the scale.
Applying this to our case if there is
10 boulder on the chart
in reality there are #_boulder = 10 30
#_boulder = 300 boulder
so the correct answer is C