The answer is interest. whenever you take a car loan from a bank or a financial institution, you always have to pay interest on the amount borrowed or the principal amount. the interest is how the financial institution or bank will earn through lending money
Which pharmaceuticals company has decided to expand its vaccine business in the United Kingdom with an investment of £240 million?
answer= B.) Serum Institute of India
Each of the following are types of Overheads allocation methods.
Factory overheads such as rent, electricity or water can not be traced directly to a cost object.
When determining the cost of a cost object these overheads are apportioned to departments they pass through for processing or the actual job using an allocation method.
The common methods for allocating overheads are plant-wide rate method, departmental overhead rate method and activity-based costing method.
Public administration is "centrally concerned with the organization of government policies and programs as well as the behavior of officials (usually non-elected) formally responsible for their conduct". A public administrator’s ultimate goal is the implementation of policies and regulations that further the public’s interests.