Someone accidentally left B. His or her back back on that park bench. You are referring to a person.
It is ironic that Confucius's son died an early death. We can infer that the death of Confucius' son, Carp is ironic, he suffered an early death when the symbolism of the carp fish is longevity, because carps can get very old, it also represents the dragons due to big scales on the body of a carp. According to the meaning of the carp Confucius' son, Carp, should have a long live which did not happen.
Well im not an expert or anything obvi but this is just my opion.
Well first of all if the virus doesnt wear off nothing will ever be the same again. We might be able to go see family or friends. But large gatherings includeing school just wont happen if it doenst get better.
I think that we will survive the virus oin the future. We have great doctors and scietists that are working on it everyday. I think that they will be able to find and anitbody.
previous chapter to what? I'm pretty sure what youre supposed to do is just name a vocab word from the last chapter you read from whatever book youre supposed to read