Advantages of asexual reproduction:
- There is no need for a mate/ only one parent is required
- It takes less time compared to sexual reproduction
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction:
- There is little genetic variation/less diverse population
- Offspring cannot adapt to change
Advantages of sexual reproduction:
- Genetic diversity
- Offspring can adapt to change
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction:
- Two parents are needed
- Slow reproduction compared to asexual reproduction
MRNA has a complex secondary structure; 3D. While tRNA is more like an X figure.
c. increase the surface area available for hydrolysis by lipase
Emulsification of fats(fatty acid) is a chemical reaction where large molecules(globules) of fats are broken down into a smaller molecules (droplets) by the action of an emulsifier.
In the human body, emulsification takes places in the duodenum during the process of digestion of fats. When large fat molecules have been broken down into smaller fat molecules by action of an emulsifier called bile salts from the gall bladder, a larger surface area is created which makes it possible for the enzyme lipase from the pancreas to react with or act on fat molecules through the process of hydrolysis thereby converting the fats to fatty acids and glycerol for use by the body.