a sense of oppression and domination.
As teens begin defining who they are, adults can help the youth through the process by being supportive of decisions and not punishing for change in appearance or behavior unless it is a wrongful act. They can also be supportive by offering to help find things that they may like, wether it be clothes or new activities. And lastly, a way not many realize that can help is to leave the teen to their own devices unless the teen requests otherwise.
O' Henry's choice to have Jimmy write the note to Bob <em>provides the reader with insight into Jimmy's character and illustrates how different the two men are after twenty years</em>. After this time, Jimmy has become a police officer and Bob, a famous criminal. <em>They used to be friends when they were younger</em>. But when they meet after twenty years, Jimmy realizes that his friend is a known criminal who is being searched for, and, as he used to be close to him in the past, <em>he cannot arrest him on his own</em>, so he looks for another police officer to arrest his friend.