The planets revolving around the sun, The moon revolving around the Earth.
the total kinetic and potential energy of the ball is constant (mechanical energy remains the same)
As the ball falls, kinetic energy is increased in direct relation with the decrease in potential energy
ΔKE + ΔPE = 0
<span>The primary physician in cases of schizophrenia is the psychiatrist.
hope this helps, Terrakmiller80! :-)</span>
you take a length of ordinary wire, make it into a big loop, and lay it between the poles of a powerful, permanent horseshoe magnet. Now if you connect the two ends of the wire to a battery, the wire will jump up briefly.When an electric current starts to creep along a wire, it creates a magnetic field all around it. If you place the wire near a permanent magnet, this temporary magnetic field interacts with the permanent magnet's field.
The term you need to know is equilibrium. Technically it means that heat gained = heat lost. Normally in beginning chemistry classes the evidence for this condition is a stable temperature.