See below.
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Once I had finished my Determine Knowledge, I had figured out a few things about myself. [I don't actually know what "Determine Knowledge" is-- I am assuming it is some sort of test? Unfortunately I cannot therefore give an explanation within the paragraph] One thing that I learned about myself is that I try my best to figure things out. I worked this out because I struggled the most with the Decision-Making Styles. Also, it took me many tries to get this Determine Knowledge right. I believe I am weak in this subject because of the way I tried constantly. But I tried very hard to think things through and find the right answers, which was my strength. The management approach that I chose was active listening. The reason I chose this one is that I think it will be a good fit for me. There are a lot of other reasons why I think this, like how I have a good way of listening to others. This is relevant because when it comes to management, you have to decide how to communicate and listen to people. Therefore, there are different ways of showing you how to indicate that you need something in life.The management approach that I want my boss or leader to use would be to be professional. In order to become a professional, you must gain work experience and earn a bachelor's degree. Those are some tasks that will help you to have goals in your life. Also, there are many different ways in which you can gain work experience. One way is to find a job and stick with that job so that you can build up your work experience within the field you want to work in. Therefore, a way you can earn your bachelor's degree is by completing your associate degree, then going back to school for your bachelor's degree. The reason why I think that being a manager is important is that you can become a leader, communicate and motivate. A way you can become a leader is by having other people work for you throughout. Also, you can communicate with employees to lead them in the right direction. In this way, you can motivate them by showing them how things are done on the job right away.
1. The Fall of Western Roman Empire (476 AD)
2. Charles the Hammer and the Battle of Tours (732 AD)
3. Charlemagne, the Emperor of Romans (800 AD)
The downfall of the Roman Empire in the west led to the formation of the Frankish states in the late 15th century A.D.
The fertile plains, land, cattle, weapons , and horses attracted the Frankish nobility.
The Battle of Tours was encountered among Franks and Burgundian against the Muslims in 732. The leader of the battle from the Christian side was Charles Martel. He played a significant role in defeating the army of Spanish Moors who were trying to enter Western Europe.
Charlemagne (called Charles I) was king of Frank and Lombards, and under Pope Leo III, crowned as the emperor of Rome in 800 A.D. He was known for his military skills and political capabilities.
Thus we can conclude that the events like the fall of the Roman Empire, The battle of Tours and the founding of the Holy Roman Empire played a vital role in the Middle Ages in Europe.