"I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches, and called the rest: All hands aboard; come, clear the beach and no one taste the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home."
Homer's "The Odyssey" is an epic narrative about the journey of Odysseus and his men after the Battle of Troy, returning to their home in Ithaca. But the journey would take decades before they could set foot on the island, encountering mortals and gods along the way, who will pose as obstructions to their journey.
One characteristic of a leader is that a good leader takes responsibility for those in their charge. This theme is also found in this epic in the character of Odysseus when he marched the men he had sent to survey the land of the Lotus-eaters. When they failed to return safely back to the ship, courtesy of the Lotus that they were offered, Odysseus decided to deal with it on his own. So, he brought the men back and took them to the ship, ensuring that they are safely tied to the deck, and sailed out of that place before more of his men succumb to the lotus.
Thus, the correct answer that best supports the theme of such leadership quality is <em>"I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches, and called the rest: All hands aboard; come, clear the beach and no one taste the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home."</em>