Dear diary,
Today me and Jack did something really good of the community. As we all know this year has not been good for all of us in the town and nearby. Me and Jack performed a campaign to aware people about the use of water and to save it much as it can. The situation have been tough with the water cutting near to fifty percent and the indications of further decrease. It was a tough day to stand in the heat and interacting with all these people but the feeling after the hard work was really great. I think this day will come out to be a millstone in Jack and my friendship.
Uwuuuu voiceeeeee okkkkkkkk
Honest and direct.
Severn Suzuki's tone in her introduction from "The girl who silenced the world for five minutes" is honest and direct because she explains who she is and who she came with, she tells those 'adults' that she raised money to travel and to stand there and talk to them because she believes she has to fight for her future. She tells them that they have to change their ways. She's direct to them, she causes an impact with her words.