A body of knowledge is the accepted ontology for a specific domain. A BOK is more than simply a collection of terms; a professional reading list; a library; a website or a collection of websites; a description of professional functions; or even a collection of information.
dont know if this is right
Looking at the Ecological concept of Modern Ecology
we have
Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere, Niche, Environment, Habitat, Population, Ecosystem and Biotic community
Hydrosphere and Geosphere are not part
so Atmosphere is the correct answer
The correct answer for the above question is the ejaculatory ducts. The male urethra is divided into three regions, one of them is the prostatic urethra which is the proximal portion that passes through the prostrate gland. It receives the ejaculatory duct, which contains sperm and secretions from the seminal vesicles, and numerous ducts from the prostrate glands.
please present the options given so we can better be of assistance
please give the options so we can better be of assistance.