Answers: Weight - 7.62 pounds, Cost - $2.50
When we convert 3,456 grams into pounds, we get 7.62 pounds (rounded to the nearest hundredth). We can subtract the first pound off since we know that will cost $0.75 (7.62 - 1 = 6.62 pounds). Now we must round 6.62 up to 7 pounds and multiply that by the price for every pound or part of a pound (7 x 0.25 = $1.75). Now you combine both the cost of the initial pound and the cost of every pound or part of a pound over the first to get your final cost. ($0.75 + $1.75 = $2.50)
P= the car is blue
q= the car is spacious
p^q is true if and only if the car is both blue AND spacious
if the car is not blue, or the car is not spacious, or both then p^q is false
Store A has sold the most wristbands
Just saying you have a 25% chance of getting it right if you guess