1. Go to college or technical for
2. True
3. Things you enjoy
4. Career
5. Go to college for
I don’t see any options for me to choose from. Maybe try attaching a picture?
(of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection. hope this helps!
Prometheus and Frankenstein are related in the sensation that
R.W. possesses advanced geographic knowledge as a result of his explorations, but he has sacrificed personal happiness to gain that knowledge.
RW is not entirely the focus of the novel and in fact is only a mouthpiece for the book for a small amount of the time.
The book is about Frankenstein and the monster but the theme of R W and his exploration of science counter balances quite frankly with that of Frankenstein.
Thus we can see how he has sacrificed personal happiness to gain that knowledge.
The terrible cost one pays for the sake of science is seen and compared to what is achieved for what is put up for the part and this comparison is rather dreary for him.