We have two fractions being divided. When we divide two fractions, we flip the second fraction and multiply
1/12 divided by 1/6 = 1/12 * 6/1
From here we multiply straight across.
The numerators multiply to get 1*6 = 6
The denominators multiply to 12*1 = 12
We end up with 6/12 which reduces to 1/2 when you divide both parts by the GCF 6
<h3>Final Answer: 1/2</h3>
The fraction can't be simplify since it already is
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Step-by-step explanation:
Scatter plots are dots scattered all over the graph. I think that this is the easiest graph because all you need to do is put a dot where you want it.
A scatter plot doesn't need any lines, all it needs is dots.
C. you need to find the area and perimeter to find the outside