The parents may feel that slavery is okay to a certain extent because there parents raised them that way and they May have grandparents that owned some "slaves." Now children's attitudes might be different because nowadays you encounter lots of nationalities and races in the USA and were starting to adapt and open up to them wanting to know more about what they do or why they do something different than you might do.
Think the answer is connecting clues to background knowledge.When you have enough back knowledge to whatever you’re reading so far you’re able to make a prediction to what will happen next.
Because only the beautiful things truly beautiful things last only for a little bit sunsets go to dark flowers in bloom die soon after even yellow leafs soon turn to brown that is also representing pony boy and how he looks at everything with aw it he wont last like that forever
An oxymoron is the literary device used by Romeo in that passage.
Enormity definition- the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong.