Correct answer is ''e'' the sympatetic nervows system
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM How does the endocrine orchestra work? 1- Nervous Stimuli to the Hypothalamus production of releasing (stimulatory) or inhibitory hormones, transported via a portal system of vessels to the anterior pituitary gland 2- Anterior Pituitary Gland pituitary trophic hormones 3- Pituitary trophic hormones stimulate Peripheral Endocrine Glands production of peripheral hormones 4- Hormone/Receptor Interactions in target organs hormone actions 5- Peripheral hormones exert Negative Feedback Mechanisms supression of hypothalamic & pituitary hormones.
Adult Atlantic Salmon<span> live in coastal seas and </span>feed<span> on pelagic invertebrates ... The Atlantic </span>Salmon<span> is an iconic species in the north Atlantic </span>Ocean<span> and ... Unlike the pacific </span>salmons<span> (such as the Chinook</span>Salmon<span> [link]), Atlantic </span>Salmon do<span> not die after ... subpopulations that spawn in those rivers will almost certainly </span>go<span> extinct.</span>
7. Succession, 6. Extinction, 5. Niche, 3. Ecosystem, 2. Population, 1. Habitat, 4. Environment, 8. Community