To find the percentage, simply divide the smaller number to the larger number. In this situation, we divide 608 million by 845 million, which will get you:
0.719526627219. At this point, move the decimal place 2 places to the right to get the percent form of the decimal. Let's also round this decimal up.
After you move the decimal place, it's now 71.9526627219, and if we round it to the nearest 10th, it would be 71.95%.
In conclusion, the percent is 71.95%.
Hope this helps!
They're supplementary angles AND same-side interior angles.
Step-by-step explanation:
A research paper recommends using Poisson process to model the number of failures in commercial water pipes The paper also gives estimates the failure rate in units of failures per 100 miles of pipe per day; for four different types of pipe and for many different years_ For example, for cast iron pipe in 2005, the authors' estimate is the failure rate is 0.0864 failures per 100 miles per day: Suppose a town had 2500 miles of cast iron pipe underground in 2005 What is the probability of at least two failures