It can be used as a paperweight
Pickering is the person that treats a flower girl like a duchess.
Whereas Higgins treats a duchess like a flower girl.
When she was caught cheating, she had the audacity to blame her classmates for making cheating easy.
because when she was caught cheating she had the NERVE to blame her classmates. She had the AUDACITY to blame her classmates.
Here are the answers of the given questions above.
1. The topic that is a clearest example of the "informative purpose" is this: <span>a newspaper article describing the outcomes of an election. The answer is option A.
2. The one that best </span> reflects "chronological order" is this: <span>The city of Chicago, Illinois, was founded in 1833. The answer is option A.
</span><span>3. Among the given descriptions above, t</span>he least effective detail for a description about a warm, sunny day on the beach would be this: Kites of every color hovered above, swooping and soaring with each gust of wind. The answer is option C.
let's see here you want me to analyze well hmmmm take the first sentence leaving aside drunkenness theft was rampant that right there let's ME know that crime was inevitable and children pickpocketing see children these days don't usually pickpocket so basicly we should be happy time has changed beause if were alive back then especially if we were sensitive then we would have been killed or severly injured