The hunger games is a novel that unfolds in Panem, an apocalyptic world. The story is centered on a 16-year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen and her struggle for survival in dystopia. Each year, as a punishment for the failed rebellion by District 13, the 12 Panem Districts are forced to pay tribute to the ruthless Capitol regime. The story begins on the day of reaping at District 12. A day that each district is required to offer two tributes, a boy and a girl aged 12 to 18 years to participate in the games. This was going to be the 74th hunger games.
In a twist of fate, Prim Katniss’ 12-year-old sister is selected as one of the tributes. Having lost their father at a young age, she isn’t going to let her mother lose her too as she swore always to protect them. She volunteers to take her sister’s place, and together with the baker’s son, Peeta Mellark they represent district 12. What follows is a series of events that will put Katniss in the spotlight both as a source of hope for the oppressed and as an enemy of the Capitol. Her feelings for Peeta will be exploited for the games, which are aired across all the districts.
She will make new friends, enemies, inspire and give hope to many people in Panem thanks to her performance in the games. What makes the hunger games a more thrilling story is the games win or die rule. Will Katniss have the heart to kill Peeta and vice versa, or will they both survive? This is the Hunger Games summary of the plot.
The above question requires a personal answer about your experience of reading different texts. For this reason, I cannot answer this question for you, but I will show you how to answer it.
First, you must identify texts that you have read and found to be clear, logical, or sincere. You can do this with short, direct poems that are easier to analyze the content, an example of this is the poem "I Hear America Singing."
So, to analyze this text, you should consider the following information:
<h2>What is plain text?</h2>
- It is one that presents a subject in a very direct way.
<h2>What is a logical text?</h2>
- It is the one that stimulates reasoning and shows the direct relationship between the elements.
<h2>What is a sincere text? </h2>
- It is one that presents a subject in a realistic, denotative, and informative way.
More information about what is direct and objective text is in the link:
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