the outside fence has a 64 feet perimeter
1/2 - 3/11
Set both denominators (bottom numbers) to 22, so multiply the numerator of 1/2 by 11, and multiply the numerator of 3/11 by 2.
1/2 is now 11/22
3/11 is now 6/22
So, our new question is now : 11/22 - 6/22
Because the denominators are the same, all you have to do is simplify the top numbers.
So, 11-6 = 5
Therefore, your answer is 5/22
~Hope I helped!~
See Below.
Step-by-step explanation:
We want to show that the function:
Increases for all values of <em>x</em>.
A function is increasing whenever its derivative is positive.
So, find the derivative of our function:
Since eˣ is always greater than zero and e⁻ˣ is also always greater than zero, f'(x) is always positive. Hence, the original function increases for all values of <em>x.</em>
No, because you have two y-points that are the same.