<em><u>FACT </u></em>1. One year is composed of 12 months.
<em><u>OPINION </u></em>2. For me, my cousin is more than beautiful Liza
<em><u>FACT </u></em>3. The sun is very hot.
<em><u>FACT </u></em>4. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
<em><u>OPINION </u></em>5. Love songs are the best music genre.
<em><u>OPINION </u></em>6. Eating ice cream can calm everybody.
<u><em>FACT </em></u>7. New Year's Day is celebrated during January 1st.
<em><u>OPINION </u></em>8. Dogs are the kindest domestic pets.
<em><u>OPINION </u></em>9. In my opinion, Mathematics is the easiest subject.
<em><u>FACT </u></em>10. hilippines has 109.58 million population.
#BrainliestAnswerThe P</h2><h2>