as supportive and nonjudgmenta
The hints we get form the text are " approved tolerance for others", and "inclined to help rather than to reprove". From this, we can assume he's not bitter and unforgiving. We don't have any textual evidence for cheerful, independent, or adventurous. So we can assume that he's as supportive and nonjudgmental.
mine is super saiyan rose~
One of my favorite books is firecracker. It was written by David Iserson.
Astrid Krieger got kicked out of Bristol Academy for cheating.
She is forced to go to public school. Which she says smells like urine.
She meets Noah and Lucy.
She has to go to therapy with Dean Rein
He gives her an assignment. do 3 good thing she doesnt want to do.
She tries to bribe the dean into letting her back into bristol academy.
her grandfather dies
she finds out noah isnt who he says he is
the chapel burns down
A hook in an English paper is defined as an enticing statement that grabs the reader's attention. A good way to remember this is to perhaps think of the hook like a fishing hook. And what is the job of a fishing hook? To lure the fish with good bait and grab it and get it hooked.