atleast how I could see it- is that the more children a family has, a more motherly role is put onto the woman of the household, ending up working more hours at home and such to tend to their families. whilst men work more, hence forth their not home as much or doing outside laboring activities that can count towards this graph. more children, more work with cleaning, caring, etc. etc. :)
I believe it means some things you set out to do become harder and Difficult to get out of, But you should think of the best option to do and make the best out of a bad situation.
The reason why this man approaches Othello's home is that he was about to accuse him in stealing Barbantio's daughter. This conflict was set up because of Iago which can describe his character as a two faced liar that (even though he is such a liar) he reveals his sward in order to help Othello in this fight. And what about <span>Othello, I would say that he is his stoic self.
Hope that will help you!