Seizure is an abnormal episode of motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic activity resulting from a sudden, abnormal, uncontrolled electrical discharge from cerebral neurons.
Seizure is also formally known as an epileptic seizure which it's symptoms involve uncontrolled body movements mostly with every part of the body and loss of consciousness. Epileptic seizure lasts for the maximum of two minutes before the person returns to a normal state. Bladder control however, is usually absent at this stage. Epileptic seizure can be caused by either provocation or without provocation
In provocation, the causes are very low blood sugar and blood sodium, severe fever, brain infection or concussion. Without provocation; brain injury or tumor and a stroke.
When a seizure lasts more than a maximum of two minutes, it is declared an emergency but some seizures do last for about five minutes and it is regarded as normal. There hasn't been any form of cure for epileptic seizures but there are temporary treatments which can prevent frequent seizures.
Answer: Option A
As temperature increases the rate of enzyme activity increases until it reaches approximately 37 degrees Celsius. As temperature increases beyond 37 degrees Celsius, the enzyme activity decreases. The activity decreases because the enzyme denatures.
Any enzyme has certain temperature, pH and pressure to maintain its activity. Only at the ideal or ambient parameters the enzyme works. Most of the enzymes that are present in the human body gets activated by 37 degrees and gets denatured beyond that temperature.
An ecosystem only has a certain amount of resources to support a certain number of organisms.
An ecosystem consist of resources and organisms. Resources are the material which are responsible for the survival of living organisms in that ecosystem. Examples of resources are light, water, oxygen and food substance. In the absence of these resources, organisms will die.
D/ Kilograms per cubic-centimeter
<span>If an island had 1000 cats on it, an ecologist would use the word 'population' to describe all the members of that species</span>