First you have to remember that to find a percentage you can multiply a number by the percentage's decimal form, for example 40% of 100 would be .40 * 100.
Anyways, 24*.40 =9.6.
To find the percentage however, you must divide 24/40 which equals 0.6, which is equal to the percentage 60%.
To find the third question, you must multiply 24 by 2.5 (0.4 * 2.5 = 1) and you should get 60.
The last question you may have made a typo on, you repeated the first question.
This is an irrational number because it cannot be written as a fraction
The next term is 64, a is 2, and the common ratio is 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
Look at what's happening from each number to the next. What do you need to do to get from 2 to 4, or 4 to 8? Multiply by 2. That's your common ratio. To get the next number in the sequence, multiply the last number by the common ratio of 2. 32 x 2 = 64, so the next number in the sequence is 64. "a" is just the very first term, meaning it's 2.
g(L) = 175L - L²
Step-by-step explanation:
350 = 2(length + width)
length + width = 175
Let L be the length,
L + width = 175
width = 175 - L
Area = length × width
g(L) = L(175 - L)
g(L) = 175L - L²
well, 1/7th of the cupcakes is 3. so 2/7ths makes 6. and 21 minus 6 is 15. So, your answer is 15.