<span>Persentase oksigen di udara di dua mil (3,2 km.) Pada dasarnya sama dengan di permukaan laut (21%). Namun, tekanan udara adalah 30% lebih rendah pada ketinggian yang lebih tinggi karena fakta bahwa atmosfer kurang padat - yaitu, molekul udara yang jauh apart.When kita menghirup udara di permukaan laut, tekanan atmosfer sekitar 14,7 pounds per square inch (1,04 kg. per cm.2)
(i speak indoinision to)
Properly equipped according to the environment.
Natural selection will kill off those who cannot survive in a given environment
The answer is hydrogen and oxygen
As requested in the question above, the primers were presented with 8 nucleotides, with the nitrogenous bases of the DNA, and in the 5'-3 'direction.
Primers are small fragments of DNA that are used by DNA polymerase to form new strands. The primes attach to pieces on the ribbon, through the complementarity of the nitrogenous bases, serving as a template for the DNA polymerase to create the new ribbon.
DNA polymerase uses primers at the origin of replication, and can follow the path from the right or from the left, depending on the primers used, for this reason, this question has two answers.
Spiders have malpighian tubules<span> to absorb salts and wastes while humans have microscopic subunits in the kidneys called </span>nephrons to filter blood. Malpighian tubules<span> remove wastes from insects by producing urine and solid nitrogenous waste, which are then excreted from the body.</span>