To change a percent to a decimal, you must move the decimal point inwards two places. For example, say you have 45%. To change 45% to a decimal, move the decimal point in two places, and you will have 0.45. Once you’ve moved the decimal, don’t add the percent symbol, because it’s no longer a percent.
Ok. you're looking for the slope intercept, or how much each of them had before they started saving. Chris had $27, as that is where his line crossed the y axis, and Connie, when graphed, intercepted at $9. <span />
D. Distance formula
Step-by-step explanation:</h2>
As in the statement:
<em>The distance form</em> to is <em>whose justification is the </em><em>Distance Formula. </em>
<em />
Here in this statement the justification is also the Distance Fromula, so we take the distance from whose result is also 2 and is the radius of the circle.
The answer is D since