Onomatopoeia is literary device that copies natural sounds.
A simile is a comparison between two things using as or like.
Metaphor is a direct comparison between two things without the use of ‘as’ or ‘like’
He helps her with her fear of monsters by going along with it. He calls it the Imaginary Demon. By making her fear seem like a "real" thing, it adds humor to it and makes it less frightening.
"They...<span>think that there is nothing more inglorious than that glory that is gained by war"
This quotation sums up the main idea because it not only reinforces to the reader that they are against war, but it gives some insight into why they are against war. The people think that there is no glory to be gained in war, so they choose to just prepare a defensive army, never an offensive one. </span>
If it's wrong I'm so sorry
Focus your attention. You don't want to be on your phone or watching tv while someone is talking to you.