True, Compared to the other main forecasting techniques, market-based forecasting of exchange rates has proven to be more reliable and consistent.
What is Market-based forecasting?
By utilising a wide range of data that describe the nature of demand within the organization's service area, market-based demand forecasting is a technique for estimating future demand for a healthcare organization's services. The primary and secondary service areas, population breakdowns by various demographic categories, discharge utilisation rates, market size, and market share by service line and overall are just a few examples of the information we're talking about. Strategic planners can develop scenarios describing potential future demand based on observable market dynamics and a variety of explicit assumptions about future trends. Then, financial planners can assess every scenario to see how it might affect particular financial and operational metrics, like operating margin, days with cash on hand, as well as debt-service coverage, and create a strategic financial plan that accounts for a variety of contingencies.
To learn more about Market-based forecasting
The richard bay minerals could improve on high crime rate by requesting support/assistance from the local government. With the support, they manage to handle most of the crime activities and maintaining their productivity at the same time. Currently, they are winning against the crimes<span />
The first phase of networking, in which you describe your business, is referred to as A.) EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION.
Exchange of information include information about the company, product, and its key goals, as well as, information regarding the potential networker.
Describing your business to potential networkers does not guarantee that they will automatically join the business, they need to think things over and after a few days, you need to do a follow-up.
Correct option is C.
If the CPI is 156.25 in 2007, then 2005 is the base year.
The CPI js given by the formula:
Current year prices/base year prices x 100
Given the values in years 2005,2006 and 2007, of all the given options, option (c) if the CPI is 156.25 in 2007, then 2005 is the base year is corrrect. This is because calculating CPI for 2007 using the above formula and 2005 as base year gives us CPI as 156.25.