Deserted means to be empty or alone
The age old “one size fits all” teaching method has long outgrown, with the focus moving on to different styles of learners. Students are no longer forced to learn beyond their own understanding. Instead, teaching is adjusted to help students understand, according to their learning styles. Teachers are now expected to personalize their teaching methodologies and assessments, depending on the learning styles of students, laying the foundation for student-centered learning. Various learning styles clubbed together, with fixed periods of time, can make personalization challenging.
Nouns are people, places, animals or things.
verbs are actions.
The author first portrays Scotty as timid on stage. He is sitting on his stool and performing without a great deal of energy. However, when the energy and positive reaction from the crowd hit him like a wave, he gains his confidence. He stands up and begins to perform with energy and enthusiasm. He is first described as a "quavering husk". It gives the image of him almost hiding like an ear of corn inside its protective husk. Then he is described as strong, charismatic and fierce - a significant change from when he first took the stage.