A coral reef is a complex [ecosystem] of calcium carbonate shells that are home to microbes, algae, invertebrates, and fishes, and its high productivity helps provide great species richness.
The lysosomes are responsible for that
The main reason being the amount of food available.
Think of it this way:
If an animal is trying to find food but another species is looking for the same prey then its going to be increasingly difficult for the species to find prey and if there's not enough of the prey species then the population of the predator to go down.
That is why its considered a limiting factor.
The trachea, spiracle, and air sac are part of their respiratory system, Howeber, the tubules are what take away the carbon dioxide from their system. Im not sure if they produce the carbon dioixde. But they are a part of what removes the carbon-dioxide from their body.
B.Evolution, natural selection
Charles Darwin is known as the "Father of Evolution" because he proposed the idea of evolution by way of natural selection.