Susan's horn is given to Caspian. As a relic of Old Narnia, the horn coming into Caspian's possession signals his acceptance of the older ways. When blown, it calls the Pevensie children to Caspian's aid, making it both practical and fabulous
The correct answer is C. Spaced practice
Space practice refers to a learning and study technique in which learning activities, practice, etc. are divided into multiple short sessions. This technique is facilitates learning because information can be understood and learned better if it is divided. Moreover, this technique opposed massed practice that involves learning or practicing for a long-continued period.
Bryan is using spaced practice because she distributes or divides information and task into multiple sessions rather than doing everything in a long session. Due to this, she revies her notes multiple times, reads the chapters before class and during the weekend the checks previous notes.
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Answer:i dont know y but when i get off my i have a headache my feet are numb to where i can barely stand and i get light headed but i dont really know y