The Wite Man's burden is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling and it talks about the war between the USA and Philippines. In the poem, the speakers repeats the same line at the beginning of every stanza because he wants to create an atmosphere related to the burden, indicating that it is always there by using the rhetorical device called anaphora, which consists in repeating the same line at the begining of every stanza. Another intention might be to get closer to the "white man".
About the last stanza, the first line ends with and exclamation mark, adding emphasis to the command.
According to Aristotle, there are three categories of ethos:
1. phronesis – practical skills & wisdom
2. arete – virtue, goodness
3. eunoia – goodwill towards the audience
I pee, Poop, Play, and there. Life after school
3 one Lisa want to go quickly
opinion conformity
Confirmatory is a type of social influence having a change in belief or behavior to fit in a group. The change will be in response to real or imagined. It is yielding to group pressure. The group pressure may take different forms, for example, bullying, persuasion, teasing, criticism, etc. Conformity is also known as bulk influence The term conformity is used to indicate an alliance to the more position, brought about either a desire to fit in. People mostly conforming from a desire for security in a group, typically a group of similar age, gender, and ethnicity. This is often told as a group thinks. Conformity is group aspects, factors such as group size, harmony, attachment, prior commitment, and public view help to declare the level of conformity an individual's displays.