The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine.
The absorption of carbohydrates, depending on whether they are simple or complex, will begin their digestion in the mouth by the action of saliva in food, where starches are initially separated; Once this food bolus reaches the stomach, the hydrochloric acid acts, to end later in the small intestine. Amylase, a component of pancreatic juice, ends the digestive process of carbohydrates by transforming starches into maltose, which are then transformed into monisacarides (glucose, galactose, fructose), which is the way they are absorbed by the body. In the liver they are again transformed into glucose.
Correct response: Tachycardia; hypotension
A low cardiac output would be exhibited by tachycardia and hypotension.
pulmonary disease.
with this condition, diaphragm has symptoms of not inhaling enough o2, absorbing the o2 into the bloodstream, caused by smoking, COPD, etc. results in hypo ventilation, and heart conditions. diaphragm is what helps lungs inhale & exhale o2 & co2...
As the designated standard for the electronic reporting of physician and other health care professional services under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), CPT codes are updated annually and effective for use on Jan. 1 of each year.