To compare 3/5 and 5/6th we need to convert them to a common denominator so if we multiply their denominators we get 5x6 = 30 but we must multlply the numerator by the same number so 3/5 = 18/30th and 5/6 = 25/30 so we see that 25/30 is greater than 18/30th or then 5/6 is greater than 3/5.
Step-by-step explanation:
0 = 4 - 7 x^2 + x
0= (-7)x^2 + (1)x + 4
a= -7
b = 1
c= 4
The correct answer is A. Each of the y values are 4 times their respective x values
180 pound
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>t</u><u>h</u><u>e</u><u> </u><u>v</u><u>a</u><u>l</u><u>u</u><u>e</u><u> </u><u>o</u><u>f</u><u> </u><u>1</u><u>2</u><u>%</u>
- 12% of 1500 pounds
- 12/100 × 1500
- 18,000/100
- 180
much steel will the new car model use is 180 pound