May occur in oceans is a type of transforms boundary is a region where earthquakes occur
The <u>nuclear envelope</u> is composed of two concentric lipid bilayer membranes separated by an intermembrane space of about 20-40 nm. The outer membrane is continuous in many places with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Like the rough ER the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope is dotted with ribosomes.
Flood, mud slides, wind/flying objects.
1. evacuation plans. which include knowing all routes out of the hurricane zone and the means of evacuating (car) are fully prepared.
2. clean out and unblock all paths to and by the drains. Also report all drains that are clog to the city.
3. keep emergency food and water. as well as first aid. you should also have any personal medicine well stocked as well.
A putter is what you use in mini-golf and regular golf to hit the ball towards the hole.