- A. Many crimes go unreported, often due to victims' fear, shame, or distrust of the police.
- A. social deviation
The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) of the FBI has been immensely helpful in the solving of crimes by including details of crimes that law enforcement know about thereby allowing other law enforcement agencies to make comparisons that can solve crimes.
The problem however, is that only crimes that are reported or known about, make it to the reports and with there being so many crimes that don't get reported, the UCR is an incomplete measure.
A Social deviation refers to any activity that goes against the social norms of an area be it official norms (laws) or unspoken ones. Rosa Parks went against segregation laws which were official norms so this was a case of social deviation.
I belive A. Jason's brother is happier than Tanya's brother.
The Burnell children are gifted an elaborate dollhouse by a friend of the family who once stayed with them. They immediately fall in love with the dollhouse, and Kezia especially enjoys the little lamp which sits on one of its tables. When they next go to school, the Burnell children brag left and right about the dollhouse, and they get their entire class's attention. They are allowed to bring any two classmates per day by the house to look at the dollhouse, but they cannot bring the Kelvey children, who come from a family so poor even their teacher treats them differently. Kezia disobeys this rule, and brings the Kelveys by to look at the dollhouse, but she is discovered by her aunt, and the Kelveys are quickly shooed away
Better because we have less slaves and less racist people and less hate
C. The most important events and rules
PS also the people involved