So by looking at this equation you should look to see it's key features which will help you graph the equation. the first key feature is the slope, the slope lets you know the angle at which the line will be, the slope in an equation will always be the number multiplied by x ( in this case it'd be 3/4). The second feature is the y intercept, the y intercept is where the equations line crosses the y axis, the y intercept in a graph will always be what is added or subtracted after the x (in this case it'd be 3).
To simplify what I said look at the following:
Slope: 3/4
Y intercept: 3
Hope this helps!
They are both SI units of measurements
Period is 2pi
Y- intercept is (0,0)
For points, use the last option
A because the line is only going through the graph and hitting each point once