1. Matching each label to corresponding level of Maslow's Hierarchy, we have
a. relationships with others and giving affection
------ Love and Belongingness
b. confidence in oneself
------- Self-esteem
c. risk avoidance and protection---Safety and security
d. self-acceptance and expression----
e. food and shelter-----Physiological Needs
2.rearranging the levels so that they are in the correct order, with the lowest level of the Hierarchy on the bottom.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychology theory which shows and explains human needs in a five-tier model pyramid in hierarchy From the top to the bottom of the hierarchy, we have
1.self-acceptance and expression----
2.confidence in oneself
------- Self-esteem
3.relationships with others and giving affection
------ Love and Belongingness
4.risk avoidance and protection---Safety and security
5. food and shelter-----Physiological Needs