Convert 30% to a decimal by dividing by 100 = 0.30
Multiply by the cost of the helmet, $50
50 x 0.30 = $15, the amount of the discount.
50-15 = $35, the sale price of the helmet.
For the sales tax, again, convert to a decimal by dividing by 100 = 0.06
35 x 0.06 = 2.10, the amount of sales tax
$35 + $2.10 = $37.10, total cost with tax
Step-by-step explanation:
From the given figure it can be seen that
Total number on cube= n(S)=6
Intersection of A and B = n(A ∩ B)= 2
Also, The number of elements in A = 2
Similarly, The number of elements in B= 6
The formula to find the conditional probability is given by :-
275 beacues if u and 50 five times it would of been 250 but u an the five two the 50 and u and 55 five times and u get 275