Compassion and/or attracton. Hope this helps :-)
C. Simplicity is the way to go and I chuckled so thanks
1. Cathartic (arousal of emotions)
2. Self-purification
3. Logic and harmony in thoughts.
Explanation: Gandhi was a leader, mentor, and an authority in himself. His ideals are still being used for reference. The way he used to drive the audience mad through his impressive speech pattern and techniques to follow his principles is miraculous. His impressive speech pattern and techniques used to connect to the audience via arousing their emotions (Cathartic in Aristotelian term) as the subjects of his speech are more often dominated by the personal experiences and talks about morality, truth, non-violence, harmony, etc. These subjects developed a sense of credibility and authenticity among the audience towards him. Lastly, <em>his ideals were quite logical and reasonable which made his speech very persuasive in nature</em> and thus, he was successful in delivering his message to his audience's mind and heart throughout.
I believe "Eigth-grade" is an adjective of sorts or a category, but it might also be part of the subject.