1. My brother and I are reading a storybook our mom gifted us on Christmas Day.
2. Adam does not feel like cycling this evening, he is running instead.
3. Liam is eating his favourite dish cooked by his beloved mother.
4. Leah and Lewis are rehearsing a dance for their performance this weekend.
"and this overload of stimulus could be altering the way their brains are getting wired."
After hearing the raucous, cheering response to Adam’s speech, Mr. James feared that his new student body president might be an amateur demagogue.
Greek men often consulted the help of an <u><em>oracle</em></u> when trying to understand the wishes of a god or goddess.
An oracle is a priest or priestess who would be the medium through which ancient Greeks communicate with their gods and goddesses. These oracles are like the priests of modern days who would act as the intermediary between men and gods.
Oracles are a huge part of Greek society and life. Kings would consult with such oracles for each and every endeavor, be it war or marriage or business plans. One such oracle was the Oracle of Delphi, of the Delphi temple.