I think B. But instead of those dots, I prefer a comma instead
The phrase is an incomplete thought.
III) Letter Conclusion<span>Practical MattersIndividual GreetingsPersonal Postscript<span>Doxology (or Prayer)</span></span>I) Letter Beginning<span>Sender(s): From whomRecipient(s): To whomFormulaic Greeting<span>Thanksgiving (or Blessing)
</span></span>II) Letter Body<span>Initial ExhortationThesis StatementTheological Discussions<span>Ethical Admonitions
The trains in the stories symbolized the journey the characters underwent to get what they want.
The trains are also the witnesses to the death of the characters. In the story "Paul's case" Paul committed suicide by jumping in front of a train. In the story "A Journey" the husband died in his sleep inside the train while the wife accidentally died when the train reached its destination.
It also sends a message of whatever journey one enjoys in life, he/she will always end up dead or death is an inevitable destination.