The percentage increase China's population from 1970 to 1995 is: 56.25%.
<h3>How to Calculate Percentage Increase?</h3>
Percentage increase = (Final Value - Original Value)/Original value × 100.
Given the following:
Original value = 0.8 billion
Final Value = 1.25 billion
Final Value - Original Value = 1.25 - 0.8
Final Value - Original Value = 0.45
Percentage increase = 0.45/0.8 × 100 = 56.25%.
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The first one is the only one in simplest form.
Part A: Net A is correct
Net B is incorrect because de triangular sides do not close the opening left in both sides.
Part B: AB=3 in., BC=5in., CD=8.6in.
Part C: The surface area of the prism is the area of the the big rectangle in the net + the area of the 2 triangles
Area of the big rectangle
8.6• ( 3+4+5)= 103.2 in ^2
Area of the triangles
If we get the 2 trangles together along their longest side we get another rectangle
3•4 =12 in^2
Surface area of prism is 103.2+12=115.2 in^2