Precipitation amounts
Meteorologists are scientists whose job is to predict different weather weather conditions. They study the atmosphere of the earth thoroughly so as to make a clear and concise weather forecast.
Meteorologists makes it possible for people to get information on possible rainfall or sunshine, it also enable people to know about a possible hurricance occurrence.
Meteorologists make use of a variety of tools to predict the weather, they include: wind vanes, barometers, anemometers, rain gauges, thermometer, hydrometer, Campbell Stokes Recorder,Transmissometer.
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Kinetic Energy = (1/2) (mass) (speed)
First runner: KE = (1/2) (45kg) (49 m/s) = 1,102.5 Joules
Second runner: KE = (1/2) (93kg) (9 m/s) = 418.5 Joules
The <em>first runner </em><em>has 163</em>% more kinetic energy than the second runner has.
In order to overcome an object’s inertia (resistance to change), it must be acted upon by an unbalanced force, so the answer to the problem is letter C.