Parallel circuit are those types of circuits in which break in one branch does not prevent the flow of current in the circuit and the current can still flow through another branch because there are more ways through which the current moves to other sources while on the other hand, series circuit refers to those circuits in which break in one branch can prevent the current flow in the circuit and the other sources can't receive current due to broken of the connection.
The presence of a controlled substance must be proven in both the blood and the organs before it can be considered as a cause of death.
A controlled substance is the one that is prohibited or available under strict regulations by the law of a country or state. These are usually the drugs that can result in addiction or serious diseases in an individual. Such substances are only available for medicinal purposes.
Blood is a red colored fluid present inside the body. It is red due to the presence of a pigment called hemoglobin. The blood is responsible for the transport of substances across the whole body, like oxygen, hormones, carbon dioxide, waste material, etc.
To know more about controlled substances, here
when fertilization takes place, the half of the chromosomes from the egg combine with the half of the chromosomes from the sperm to form a full 23 pairs of chromosomes which contain the genes of the offspring.
All systems work together to do-- anything really. Especially to move-