hmmmm I have no idea please figure it out urself hope there have a great day
Pollution: The farming of marine fish, crustaceans and even bivalves produces waste in the form of fecal matter and unused feed. These largely nitrogen-based wastes can cause oxygen depletion in coastal environments and a net loss of marine productivity in certain coastal areas.
Protists are those organisms that are unicellular and eukaryotic in nature. They are present in diverse forms and structures and show different types of characteristics/. There are many protists that are harmful to human beings and some other organism that causes certain diseases called parasitic protists such as protozoans, trichomonas and some other. There are some protists that are not parasitic in nature such as Chlamydomonas and some other. Protists have different types of the mode of nutrition that may be autotrophic, saprophytic and parasitic and some other.