1. Circulatory System
2. Respiratory System
3. Endocrine System
4. Nervous System
5. Urinary/ Excretory System
1. Circulatory System- The heart pumps blood and blood vessels such as arteries and veins, transports the blood to every part of our body providing organs and muscles with nourishment.
2. Respiratory System- This system maintains our breathing. It supplies the body with oxygen for cellular respiration.
3. Endocrine System- The glands of the endocrine system secrete chemicals called hormones that regulate most of the processes in our bodies like growth, reproduction, metabolism, etc...
4. Nervous System- The entire nervous system controls all of the other systems of the body and it also transmits information to the brain, such as pain and external sensations.
5. Urinary/Excretory System- This system is responsible for eliminating waste products of metabolism and other materials from the body that are of no use.
<span>A person who has rh- blood can develop rh agglutins through;
1. Pregnancy.
2. Transfusion.
3. Exposure to blood.
Agglutination is termed as clumping of particles. It is the process which occurs when an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody known as isoagglutinin.
When people are being given blood transfusion of wrong blood group then the antibodies will react incorrectly with the transfused blood group, then the erythrocytes clump up and stick together which causes them to agglutinate.</span>
A volcanologist is a geologist who studies the process involved in the formation of a volcano. He also studies the eruptive nature of the volcano along with their current and historic eruptions.
The tasks done by a volcanologist do to study volcanoes are =
1. use autoclaves to imitate the interior of a volcano
2. simulate volcanic explosions with computer programs
3. study lava samples
4. listen to the sounds of the interior of a volcano