The correct answer to this is B) a designer handbag. This is not a commodity. A commodity is anything that is considered a raw material.
Bad things will happen to you.
Raising prices can cuase market crashes and possibly strikes so raising prices on cheap items that have been that way for a while arent good especially when something bad is oging to happen, you should get a 2nd opinion this is just mine.
The correct answer is letter "B": learning.
Learning organizations are those that share and use knowledge in such a way that all their members, without exception, can take advantage of it to face changes. Learning organizations promote constant training and the spread of information across all their layers.
Learning organizations also look for developing employees' skills, incentivize a shared vision, foster teamwork, and generate systemic thinking to understand all the aspects of the institution.
decreased by 20%
Supposed we have input price of $30,000 and it produced an output of 300 units on the first year of operation. The cost per unit on the first year is $100 each ($30,000/300).
On the second year we still have the same input expense of $30,000 but the productivity output increased by 25%. So we have 375 units produced on the second year’s operation. The new cost per unit would be $30,000/375=$80 per unit.
Therefore we conclude that based on the example given, the new unit cost per product decreases by 20%.
$100-80 = $20
$20/$100 = 20%
Your profit each year of saving $7,300 at 8.5% return each year is $620.5
In that case you earn $7,920.5 each. Multiply by 5 years which is the fifth year you made the last deposit, and you will arrive at $36,602.5