The currents of the ocean.
Aminoacids are carried by transfer ARN to the site of protein synthesis.
Transfer ARN is a kind of ribonucleic acid that is responsible for the transport of aminoacids to tibosomes, where protein synthesis will take place.
The correct option is E: Limulus - Book Lungs
The structure of a book lung is made so as to maximize the efficiency of gaseous exchange in arachnids. An externally located structure, book gills, aids in this process. Limulus are horseshoe crabs that still makes use of book gills. Its a marine creature (an arthopod, to be specific) that has 5 pairs of book gills on its body.
tend to split apart along bands
Foliated rocks are metamorphic rocks that are formed due to high pressure and heat leads to the layered or banded appearance of the rocks.
Due to the layered or banded appearance of the rocks, foliated rocks tend to split apart along bands that are aligned parallel to the minerals in the rocks. Example of foliated rocks: Slate, that split into thin sheets along bands
Hence, the correct answer is "tend to split apart along bands
tongue; middle of the back
- In physiology, the two-point threshold means that there must exist a threshold distance, above which any given subject can differentiate between two different sensations.
- In physics, the two-point threshold is the smallest distance that exists between two points where the person can distinguish those two points as distinct and not one.
- This two-point threshold work by Weber found that the most sensitive area where the threshold distance was the smallest was the tongue and the least sensitive area where the distance was largest was the middle of the back.